In the week leading up to, and on Friday 15th March:

It has been noted by the children that purchasing Red Noses in supermarkets has become increasingly difficult. In school, in the run up to Red Nose Day, we will be selling a limited number of Official Red Noses. These will cost £2 each, with the proceeds going towards the Comic Relief fund. There will only be a limited stock (as they are quite difficult to get hold of!) so it will be first come, first served.

On Red Nose Day itself (Friday 15th March), the children are invited to come into school in Mufti – with a Red Nose theme. Children who wish to take part are to wear one or more red item(s), for a suggested donation of £1.

The children are also invited to enter ‘Hanslope’s Best Comedian’ Competition – an idea innovated by the school council. For 50p, children can enter their favourite joke to the competition. School Councillors will shortlist a number of entries, before Mr Brown (or should we say Simon Cowell…) will judge and reveal the competition winner in a Celebration Assembly before the end of Spring Term. The winner will receive a joke book to keep! Please hand your entries in to your class teacher, who will pass these on to School Council organisers, Miss Norris and Miss Hudson.