New Digital Leaders coming soon!
What is a Digital Leader?
A Digital Leader is a student who supports the use and further development of ICT in school. Chosen through an application process, the Digital Leaders meet regularly with ongoing training and support given to develop specific areas of computing. These areas can be student-led initiatives or specific whole-school needs.
Digital Leaders will do the following:
- Help and support others using computing equipment and software in the classroom.
- Provide first-line technical support across the school.
- Create how-to guides for different audiences.
- Monitor the use and storage of computing equipment.
- Report to the School Council on the potential development of computing in school.
- Lead ‘in-house’ training for sharing best practice.
Each month we send out guides for ICT use and online safety in our school newsletter. Keep an eye out for the next one or check back here for our collection.
Parent Online Safety Guides
At Hanslope Primary School, we believe that having an open channel and informed conversations empowers our children in this ever-growing digital world. As children grow, they are learning about new technology and we believe it is important that adults too understand this technology within our digital world. Knowing the benefits and risks can safeguard our children whilst allowing them to have fun. The guides below have been specially selected by The Digital Leaders as they believe adults and children should be aware of the risks and benefits. During a recent student survey they conducted in Key Stage 2, these apps and devices were the most used. Check back here frequently as we will keep you updated.