Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Foreign Language Curriculum


At Hanslope we wish to develop our children’s awareness of other languages and cultures around the world and seek opportunities to explore this with our pupils. Our chosen language at Hanslope is French. To ensure that our pupils leave the school at the end of KS2 able to have a simple conversation and read / write simple sentences in French. Pupils start to learn French formally in KS2, starting in year 3 and to support their language acquisition we have a curriculum design based around ‘The Primary French Project’ as this has progressive content in terms of vocabulary and grammar to develop pupils’ ability to recall and manipulate French words in order to form sentences. The schemes of work which we use are ambitious and match the National Curriculum Programme of study for Foreign Languages. Children are given opportunities within the curriculum to develop all of the four skills areas as well as their intercultural and language learning skills.

Language Learning Skills we aim to develop include:

  • Ability to use context to deduce meaning
  • Ability to look for cognates and other links (including mother tongue) to deduce meaning
  • Resilience – not being afraid of mistakes, and bouncing back after making them
  • Dictionary skills
  • Phonics of the relevant language and the sound-spelling link
  • Ability to use phonic knowledge to read aloud accurately and confidently
  • Ability to adapt a model of known language to create something new and often personal
  • Desire to support and be polite to other learners
  • Desire and confidence to “have a go” and get the message across
  • Ability to memorise and recall vocabulary


In KS2 children have a French lesson every week for 30-40 minutes.  There are at least 5 lessons every half-term followed by an assessment activity. Some classes are taught by a specialist teacher who provides support to other colleagues to ensure consistency across the key stage.

  • All planning and resources are available for teachers to use and the lessons build knowledge and understanding in a progressive manner.
  • Websites such as Lingotot and Lightbulb Languages are used to support learning and encourage pupils to engage fully.
  • An in-school reward system has been created by the FL leader to promote engagement and reward good efforts / achievement.  This is called ‘The Hanslope Eiffel Tower’.  The children’s efforts to ‘have a go’ at new language phrases and their attainment is rewarded with ladder points on the Eiffel Tower.  These are recorded on the tower.  Once the pupils achieve 15 points, they receive a special certificate in assembly and when they reach the top (twenty-five points), they receive a postcard home and a special French prize, which is also awarded in an assembly.  This all helps and ensures that foreign language learning is given a high profile. The ladders accompany the children through their language learning in KS2.
  • Vocabulary lists and examples of grammar are added to children’s exercise books so that they can refer back and use previously learned vocabulary and grammar in order to support reading and writing.
  • The European Day of Languages is recognised and celebrated every September.  Pupils across the school have a chance to learn about different languages and cultures. 


All pupils in KS2 have an exercise book for French which travels with them across the key stage so that their progress can be tracked and monitored. The pupils are taught how to use it as an important point of reference throughout their language learning.

  • Assessment statements that each child or year group need to achieve by the end of a unit / term / year are used to monitor impact of our curriculum.
  • Teachers assess French throughout lessons using ‘assessment through learning’.
  • For each unit of learning from ‘The French Primary Project’ the pupils have a Language Learning Intention Grid, which lists the key objectives.  This gives them an opportunity to self-reflect on their learning and to be aware of what they need to do to be successful in their learning. 
  • The FL leader is part of a Cluster Languages Group.  This meets termly at one of the main local Secondary Schools to ensure consistency across schools and shares good practice.  Also, the language attainment and requirements at KS3 Year 7 are regularly shared, to aid a smooth transition.  Every Summer Term, some of the Secondary School Language teachers come and hold some taster lessons at Hanslope and consistently it is reported back that our children have ‘good language learning skills’ ready for Secondary School. 


Link Governor: Nigel Stacey and Frances Duck

Subject Leader: Mrs Amy West


Modern Foreign Languages

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