
The school’s Food policy provides clear guidance about school snacks and recommendations about the content of
lunchboxes. Children in Key Stage 1 receive, on a daily basis, a free fruit/vegetable snack provided by the Government.

Cool Milk

Until their fifth birthday children are entitled to a free carton of milk each day. Please see form below detailing how to order this.


Children either go home at lunchtime, bring sandwiches or have a school dinner. School meals are ordered and paid via parentpay at least a week in advance from an outside catering service. 

The school will need to be informed in writing or by phone of any change to your child’s lunchtime arrangements. Children who go home for lunch should not return to the school premises before 12.50pm

Important allergy guidance

We have several pupils and staff at Hanslope School who have a potentially life-threatening allergy to the following substances:

Ground nuts

Tree nuts


Seeds (including sunflower and sesame)

Therefore, PLEASE DO NOT SEND any of these items in any packed lunches.

We also ask that you do not use products containing these substances on your child/children on school days.


School Lunch

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