Intent, Implementation and Impact of our PE Curriculum


Hanslope Primary School believes that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure that children enjoy being physically active as well as enabling them to sustain participation throughout their education. We intend on implementing a child focused approach to learning, allowing the development of well-rounded individuals. Hanslope School will deliver a range of high-quality sessions that allow the children to develop new skills, as well as build upon those already learnt and apply them to a wide variety of sports/ game situations. We strive to ensure inclusivity in all lessons through challenging all ability levels to allow for maximum engagement and participation. We aim to develop strong personal, social and creative skills as well as educating the children on what makes up a healthy lifestyle and how exercise can link to mental health which further supports the holistic approach to teaching. We also intend on including a level of personal and team competitiveness to allow children to be exposed to a variety of competitive opportunities to develop a good growth mindset and foster communication and team building skills.

“RealPE is a unique, child centred approach that transforms how we teach PE to include, challenge and support EVERY child.” Knowing the intent of the programme and how well it supports our ethos made selecting it for developing our staff skills and confidence in teaching this subject a straightforward decision.


  • Physical Education at Hanslope Primary School will use the Real PE scheme. This allows us to have access to the online Jasmine platform to deliver enjoyable, engaging and inclusive lessons.
  • The children will also learn through a range of sporting activities including: invasion games, net & ball games, strike & field games, gymnastics, dance and swimming.
  • Pupils participate in roughly 2 hours of high-quality PE lessons each week: One based on the Real PE programme to build on FUNdemental and Learning Behaviours and one covering one sporting disciplines every half term. (These sports will be alternated each year) In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities.
  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.
  • Where possible, children in KS2 swim for 3 weeks during the Summer Term. 
  • The annual sports day focuses on athletics skills and enables our pupil’s joy and enthusiasm for sport to be shared with families.
  • Where possible, inner and outer school competitions within year groups are arranged so that pupils can apply skills learnt in lessons.
  • Staff will have to complete regular CPD focusing on delivering high quality PE sessions to create engaged and independent learners.


At Hanslope Primary School, we help to motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness; many of them also enjoy the success of competitive sports. They will understand the fundamentals of sports in warmup, skill and game-like situations. Pupils will also develop the skills to conduct their own warm-ups, understand muscle groups and how to stretch and cool down appropriately and why these things are important in physical activity.

The many gains for pupils actively participating in these activities and exercise will benefit them through a reduction in stress, anxiety and depression; help control weight; improve overall general fitness; boost self-esteem; and promote psychological well-being. Pupils engagement in PE activities will benefit them from an improvement in their social skills, leadership qualities, communication and confidence.

As a school, our aim is to ensure that each pupil participates on a regular basis either in a competitive or non-competitive environment. Our impact is therefore to motivate children to utilise these underpinning skills in an independent and effective way in order to live happy and healthy lives.


Subject Leader: Miss Laura Goodwin



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