Arrangements for visits from parents considering applying to the school
The school recognises that, due to personal circumstances, parents may be applying for a place at the school at
different times during the school year. For ease of management of this process, the school adopts the following

For September intake, parents should, in the first instance, use the appropriate Open Days to view the school.
Attendees will be given a tour of the school by the Headteacher or the school’s Administrator. In-year admissions
should contact the office to make an appointment. The Headteacher is happy to meet with any parent on a one-to-one
basis at a mutually convenient time should this be required.

Milton Keynes Council is responsible for admissions to our school. The Local Authority sets a limit each year on the
number of children who can be admitted at the age of five (Foundation class) and at the age of seven (Year 3). Our
admission number is 60 at age 5 and 45 at age 7, which means that Hanslope School will admit up to this limit each

Reserved Area:
Each school in Milton Keynes has a reserved area which for us includes all of Hanslope Parish and Castlethorpe Parish
at age 8, except Milford Leys, Lincoln Lodge, and Bullington End and Leamington Farm.

Admissions Policy:
In Milton Keynes the admissions policy for all community and voluntary controlled infant, junior and primary schools
means that children whose parents complete and submit an application form stating their defined area school as one
of their ranked preferences will be given priority consideration.

One Point of Entry:
Admission for children at one point of entry and those aged 5, 6 or 7 at Key Stage 1 is subject to class size legislation.
This is currently 60 pupils. A year group may be over-subscribed and so may not be able to allocate any more spaces.
There is no guaranteed place. Please contact the Pupil Support Section at Saxon Court for further information.
Admission/preference forms should be returned as early as possible.

Children transferring at 7+ ( at the end of Year 2 ) from Castlethorpe Infant School:
Entry is in the September following their 7th birthday. You must complete and return the enclosed preference form to
Castlethorpe School usually by the end of November in the year before transfer. The specific closing date is given each
year in the documentation sent to each parent in Year 2 at Castlethorpe School.

Other Admissions:
Although our school provides places in the first instance for children living locally, parents from other areas frequently
express a preference for their child to attend Hanslope School. The procedure for admissions from outside the
reserved area is set out clearly in the Information for Parents booklet that the Local Authority issues each year. You
are asked to note that places can only be offered the term before your child is due to start school. If you live outside
Milton Keynes and wish your child to be admitted, then you should contact the Admissions Officer at the address

Education Access Team
1 Saxon Gate East
Milton Keynes
01908 253338

Admissions Criteria
In the event of the school being oversubscribed, places will be allocated according to the Milton Keynes Council’s
admissions criteria as published in the booklet ‘Primary and Secondary Schools in Milton Keynes Information for

Please click here to view Milton Keynes Council Admissions procedure.