Intent, Implementation and Impact of our History Curriculum


At Hanslope Primary School, we encourage our pupils to develop their skills as historians by being curious about their own heritage (personal and local history), as well as the wider world. We strive to develop their understanding of chronology, by ensuring that they question and weigh up evidence, consider where the information has come from and keeping possible biases in mind. It is vital that pupils are able to make connections in history and understand how events or significant people from the past have shaped our lives today.

At Hanslope Primary School, we are currently using the Kapow Primary’s History scheme of work. They aim to inspire pupils to be curious and creative thinkers who develop a complex knowledge of local and national history and the history of the wider world.  The curriculum allows pupils to develop the confidence to think critically, ask questions, and be able to explain and analyse historical evidence.

Through the Kapow scheme of work, we aim to build an awareness of significant events and individuals in global, British and local history and recognise how things have changed over time. History will support children to appreciate the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups. Studying History allows children to appreciate the many reasons why people may behave in the way they do, supporting children to develop empathy for others while providing an opportunity to learn from mankind’s past mistakes.

Through the Kapow Primary's History scheme, we aim to support pupils in building their understanding of chronology in each year group, making connections over periods of time and developing a chronologically-secure knowledge of History. We hope to develop pupils’ understanding of how historians study the past and construct accounts and the skills to carry out their own historical enquiries. In order to prepare pupils for their future learning in History, our scheme aims to introduce them to key substantive concepts including power, invasion, settlement and migration, empire, civilisation, religion, trade, achievements of humankind, society and culture.


The history curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is overseen by the history lead.

The Kapow scheme, which we use throughout Key Stage 1 and 2, follows the spiral curriculum model where previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon. We aim to develop the curriculum to ensure its coverage is diverse and represents our school community.  For example, children progress by developing their knowledge and understanding of substantive and disciplinary concepts by experiencing them in a range of historical contexts and periods.

Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about History, ensuring that pupils also develop an enthusiasm and are fully engaged in lessons. Teachers have high expectations of pupils’ progress, striving for them to achieve highly to the best of their capabilities and ensuring that opportunities are planned in for pupils working at greater depth. Working walls are used in classrooms (from Year 2 upwards) to demonstrate the learning journey within History and are built up and added to throughout topics. Pupils are encouraged to discuss what they have learnt and build on previous knowledge.

In Key stage 1 and 2, units are organised around an enquiry-based question and children are encouraged to follow the enquiry cycle (Question, Investigate, Interpret, Evaluate and conclude, Communicate) when answering historical questions.

Over the course of the scheme, children develop their understanding of the following key disciplinary concepts:

• Change and continuity.

• Cause and consequence.

• Similarities and differences.

• Historical significance.

• Historical interpretations.

• Sources of evidence.


Knowledge organisers for each unit and year group are created to support pupils in building a foundation of links to the national curriculum, key vocabulary and previous/future learning. 


At Hanslope Primary School, The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports pupils’ understanding of History through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World’. This aspect covers how pupils find out about past and present events in their own lives, their families and other people they know. Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of change over time and are given opportunities to differentiate between past and present


Key Stage One

In Key Stage One, history skills are taught using the Kapow scheme. Lessons are taught once a week every other half term. This is in connection with English topics, class books and continuous provision (in year 1). Floor books are used to show a learning journey and are available to recall previous learning.


Key Stage Two

In Key Stage Two, history skills are taught using the Kapow scheme. Lessons are taught once a week every other half term. Class books and English topics, where appropriate are connected with history topics to enrich learning opportunities. As in Key Stage One, floor books are used to show a learning journey and are available to recall previous learning.



The impact of the History curriculum at Hanslope Primary School will lead to outstanding progress over time across all key stages, relative to the child’s individual starting point. Pupils will be expected to leave Hanslope Primary School reaching age-related expectations for History. They will develop a confident understanding of their local history, Britain’s role in the past, as well as that of the wider world, and learn more about their heritage. They will have a secure understanding of chronology, confidently recalling key facts of their learning over time. Their knowledge and enthusiasm for History will be evidenced through pupil voice, their work and answering questions in a range of ways at the end of topics taught. 


Subject Leader: Mrs Jenny Broughton



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