Hanslope School’s Summer Fair is BACK for 2024:

Food, games, stalls and activities will all be happening at the school on Saturday 13th July 2024.

We have not been able to have a summer fête in a long time due to the pandemic so this year we will be going all in.  

We hope to see you and your families there.

Parents, WE NEED YOU! Do you have a business or a side-hustle that you wish to promote? If you, or anyone you know, wishes to run a stall or help out in any way at all, then please contact Hanslope School’s PTA on: pta@hanslope.milton-keynes.sch.uk ASAP! Book your pitch via email then all you have to do is bring a rug and anything you want to sell! It's £15 to buy your space, and all the profits you make, will go to you! We’d love to hear from you!


Summer Fair BONANZA:

After the incredible amount school council raised for Comic Relief last half-term (over £300!) we would LOVE if we could once again have your support for some donations to school for our Summer Fair BONANZA – with the money raised going towards a trim trail for the whole school.

We were hoping to include a sale of pre-loved soft toys, other toys and books. If you have any of these things going spare, please bring them into school and hand them over to your child’s class teacher.

We also would be incredibly grateful for some donations to the raffle we will be having on the day of the Summer Fair. Do you: run a business that you’re happy to donate a voucher for in order to promote it? Have any gifts, like chocolates or bottles of alcohol, you are happy to contribute? We would absolutely love anything you deem to be a worthy raffle prize! If so, please bring them into school the week beginning 1st July.