As part of our Harvest celebrations, the school council are collecting donations of food desperately needed by MK Food Bank. This is something we have been doing for a number of years now and we have always been so pleased with the support we are given.
Each year group have a specific item they will be asked to bring in:
- Foundation (Maple and Holly) - Biscuits
- Year 1 (Larch and Laurel) - Long life milk (UHT)
- Year 2 (Elm and Alder) - Juice or squash
- Year 3 (Rowan and Hazel) - Dried rice (500g or 1kg)
- Year 4 (Redwood and Cedar) - Rice puddings or custard
- Year 5 (Hawthorn and Blackthorn) - Tins (meat, fish, pulses, fruit or tomatoes)
- Year 6 (Poplar and Lime) - Tea/Coffee/Hot chocolate
If you are able, please bring your food item to school by Wednesday 23rd October.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
School council
Mrs Broughton and Mrs Jackson