Clothing Collection with Rags 2 Riches 4 Schools!

We have signed up to the Rags2Riches4Schools recycling scheme, to raise money and help others around the world benefit from our good quality unwanted clothes and shoes. We get 50p for every kilo we collect of reusable items towards materials for Hanslope School and would be most grateful if you could help us with this challenge at home.

Please bring in your clothing donations before Tuesday 18 June

Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, maybe last year’s fashions, or that buy that was too good to leave but it’s not really you after all? Please help us fundraise by donating your good quality unwanted, re-useable (clean, dry and wearable) clothes and accessories. Your donations become affordable clothing in other countries so please do not send poor quality, dirty or wet items, and no duvets, pillows, curtains, books, CDs or bric-a-brac.

STOP and THINK - is it something you’d wear out and about yourself or pass to a friend? If not, no-one else will want to buy and wear it either, so unfortunately it’s not reusable and can’t go in the bag.

In addition to raising valuable funds for our school, the house that collects the most weight will win a non-uniform day!

Bag(s) can be returned to the school. For this round, the company hasn't sent out bags so please bring in any donations with your child's name and house name on, in a bag of your choice e.g. binliner, carrier bag, etc.

If you’re unable to make a donation this time, then please return the bag so it can be re-used. Please help us to help others and raise much-needed funds for our school.

Thank you for your continuing support!