Sports day this year will be taking place on Wednesday 19th June at the following times:
- Foundation, Years 1 and 2: 9:15am – 10:30am
- Years 3 and 4: 10:45am – 12:00pm
- Years 5 and 6: 1:15pm – 2:30pm
If you are coming to watch your child/children please arrive 10 minutes before your child’s sports day times. Access will be via Salcey Playground.
Children can come to school wearing their PE kit. If your child is in:
- Squirrel house, they will need to wear a green t-shirt.
- Fox house – a yellow t-shirt.
- Deer house – a red t-shirt.
- Owl house – a blue t-shirt.
Hopefully it will be a sunny day without any rain! In the event of heavy rain or forecasted bad weather, a SchoolComms will be sent out on Tuesday 18th June by 3pm to postpone. This will be due to the health and safety concerns that can arise from poor weather. The two reserve dates will be: Thursday 27th June or, alternatively, Friday 28th June
Tea, coffee and pastries will be available at all of the events for a minimum donation of £2. Donations will go towards purchasing a trim trail!